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OLSEN: Ready to Ride the Spa Rollercoaster in Mustang GT3

Ford Performance’s Dennis Olsen files a Sportscar365 column ahead of CrowdStrike 24 Hours of Spa…

Photo: Ford

By Dennis Olsen

Our No. 1 priority at the 24 Hours of Le Mans was to finish the race and make it all the way to the end without any technical issues. We achieved that – and then some.

We did not know where the other competitors were going to be in terms of performance, but we knew we were strong after our sister No. 77 car put down a great qualifying lap with Ben Barker at the wheel. Our car faced early challenges but after we addressed them, I realized we had a strong package too.

As the race-starter in 17th position, I was able to have a very enjoyable opening stint and moved all the way up to fourth place, so I guess it’s true that grid position isn’t the most important thing at Le Mans. After that it was a case of the three of us taking turns to slug it out and keep it clean all the way to the finish.

The pace was very strong in the last hour in those mixed conditions. Once I had that comfortable gap, I knew I could bring it home as long as I took care of the car.

With so much at stake you start to worry about taking curbs and risks that may hurt the car unnecessarily in the closing stages. I started driving quite conservatively in terms of curb usage for the last 40 minutes. I just wanted it to end because I knew there would be pressure from behind but ultimately everything went smoothly from there.

Photo: Drew Gibson/Ford

When I crossed the line, there was an overwhelming realization of all the hard work we had put in to cross the line in third place. Everyone from Proton Competition, Ford Performance, Multimatic Motorsports, and M-Sport really came together.

It was great to earn this achievement. This was a big boost for everyone to continue to work hard because it showed that it can truly pay off.

Now switching our minds to Spa: It’s going to be a very different race for us. We have an all-pro line-up with Chris Mies and Fred Vervisch, both of whom I feel very confident in having as co-drivers. We are going to take all the learnings so far, including the preparation from Le Mans to Spa.

As ever, we’ll do our very best to get the best result we can. It may be a little bit more difficult at Spa because Le Mans suited our car very well, but I’m reminded of all the development we’ve done with the car and as a team and it could be that we’re even stronger here.

The track is a little different and more intense as well. There will be over 65 cars with the same level of performance, raced by drivers of various capabilities across the pro, amateur and silver classes.

The race is quite challenging because even though competitors are fighting for the lead in their own class, they don’t want to let you by. It’s a big challenge and a tricky race, which makes it exciting in its own way. I love the fact that all of the 24-hour races are different in their own ways.

Photo: JEP/SRO

It’s really been a big step forward for the team and its supporters like Ford Performance and Multimatic Motorsports. We’re all learning together, and you can see it all starting to come together. We are starting to make a difference – not making as many mistakes, being consistent and working on every detail.

Getting to know the Ford brand more is so special. It starts to mean more.

We had so many Mustang fans at Le Mans and I really enjoyed meeting them. I have to say, they were a little bit different than the typical kind of fan because they are so passionate about Mustang and the GT3 build.

They wanted to know all the details about the program, so it was good to see their passion even though I didn’t have all the answers! They really know a lot and it’s very interesting to speak on that level with them.

Meeting the Ford family in Le Mans was a highlight and it was such a great confirmation that they are very passionate as well. Ford is not just here to be on the entry list.

We are here to go flat-out and win everywhere we compete. It goes all the way up to the Ford family and I know this as Bill Ford spent much of the race in our garage, watching everything that went on. They were there cheering alongside us, and I’m truly thankful and enjoy being a part of this family.

I want to come back to Daytona and win it next year. That’s my biggest goal after Spa. It’s been my target to win the big ones with Ford, and I believe in everyone here. I look forward to what’s ahead, because it’s going to be exciting.

Photo: JEP/SRO

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